Lifestyle Options for Managing ADHD
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and medication are the two prime treatment measures for people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, there are a few lifestyle options for managing ADHD that have proven to be successful alternative treatments. Medications and a bunch of lifestyle changes like following the right diet, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep can help manage the symptoms of ADHD.
Lifestyle options for managing ADHD
- Meditation
Adults who practice mindful meditation are known to experience reduced symptoms of ADHD. Meditation helps overcome inattentiveness and hyperactivity in those who suffer from this disorder, but practicing meditation does not mean that one can overlook their medication. Both meditation and medication have to go hand in hand to reduce flare-ups effectively. Research on a group of people with ADHD who took up meditation suggests that they experienced alleviated symptoms. So, if one is tackling the disease, they can consider learning mindful meditation to cope better with the disease. - Exercise
Exercise is another lifestyle option for ADHD patients. Regular exercise can help reduce the symptoms of ADHD in adults, as it helps relieve stress and improves focus. So, adults can include a bunch of exercises in their daily routine to mitigate the symptoms of ADHD. Yoga could be a great start, as it not only helps improve focus but also promotes calmness. One can also start aerobics or dance classes, as they help promote neurotransmitters. Also, it is advisable to take up a workout routine that one enjoys so that they follow it up consistently. - Diet
There isn’t substantial research on whether dietary choices help adults deal with ADHD better. However, some adults with ADHD have showcased a positive result by making a few changes in their diet. Typically, for an ADHD patient, the focus should be on eating foods that are nourishing for the brain, which includes foods with omega-3 fatty acids or protein. They should also try to limit the consumption of artificial sweeteners, canned or packaged food, and artificial flavorings or colorings, as they can cause flare-ups of the symptoms. - Sleep
Getting quality sleep for a minimum of eight hours every day can also prove to be a good lifestyle treatment option for ADHD patients. Following a recent study, it can be stated that many people misunderstand their ongoing sleep disorder to be ADHD. In other cases, a sleep disorder could be a key reason behind the symptoms of ADHD that one is experiencing. Regardless of whether that is true, ADHD can have a deteriorating impact on one’s sleep cycle, which, in turn, could aggravate the symptoms. So, one must get enough sleep every day to keep the symptoms under check and beat stress, which could contribute to worsening ADHD.